This is a space dedicated to Self-knowledge and the integration of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects.
For a long time we have lived in a fragmented way and we are tired of knowing that wanting an external order in the world without an internal order only creates more disorder!
Through the comprehensive lenses of Transpersonal Psychology , Gestalt Therapy and some of the oldest self-knowledge philosophies and traditions such as Yoga , Vedanta and Buddhism, we'll dive together into the most subtle and profound aspects of our existence as human beings.
Shall we dive together?
Are you looking for more clarity, lightness and fluidity in your life?
Would you like more balance between body, mind and emotions?
Are you looking to improve the quality of your mental health and relationships?
"Self-knowledge is the ultimate achievement which, we might say, needs no further achievement. Any other kind of achievement cannot give a person lasting happiness and security. But by gaining self-knowledge, where a life of pursuit meets its apex, all achievements are accomplished."
~ Swami Dayananda
What are you looking for?
In-Company Activities
Individual Assistance
Self-Mastery Program
4 or 8 week program that supports and inspires individuals on their inner journey of Self-Awareness . A unique path through Ontological and Psychological approaches such as Gestalt Therapy , Transpersonal Psychology combined to Eastern wisdom traditions such as Yoga , Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta .
Mentoria Avançada Para Terapeutas
Cultura & Inovação
Mentoria voltada para Terapeutas que buscam aprofundar na qualidade dos seus atendimentos e dos processos sutis que acompanham o seu SERvir no mundo.
Palestras e Treinamentos que apoiam empresas em seus processos de transformação.
Atuação através de Projetos de Change Management, Coaching, Employee Wellbeing, Treinamento & Desenvolvimento, Saúde Mental e Bem-Estar.
"Without self-knowledge, without understanding the functioning and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will forever be a slave."
~George Gurdjieff
Improves Sleep Quality
Sleep is a fundamental pillar for a healthy life. But, the question is who we are and what we do when we are awake.
Reduces Fear and Anxiety
As a result of equanimity and a balance achieved on a mental and emotional level, we reduce anxiety and the chances of depressive states.
Reduces Stress Levels
The first question we should ask ourselves here is why should I reduce something that doesn't even need to exist in my life?
Improves Attention and Concentration
Our ability to focus and pay attention is directly proportional to our ability to deal with our own mind.
Program Benefits
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